Friday, 10 April 2009

Body Paintings

Last year at college I had a project called Body/Self where I had to create something using that theme. After vising that Body Worlds exhibition by that crazy German guy who plastinates bodies and puts them into weird positions I decided to try and recreate the same kind of effect but on top of the skin rather than under it.

I started off by using my friends hand to test on so that I could get the grasp of how to blend the colours together (watercolours)..

Then I began to work on my own hand, this time trying to fully cover it and make it look as realistic as possible which I've got to admit didn't turn out quite as good as I wanted it to..

I finally decided to experiment on my sisters arm so see if I could paint the muscles on so that when she flexed her own muscles it would define the paint more and I actually think it turned out quite good considering I only had a short amount of time to do it because she had to go somewhere. Also, you may notice that when you click on the second photo to make it bigger you can see little white bits near the top of the painting. This is where it had started to crack as it dried out. I kept trying to paint over the white bits but by the time I could more of the paint had cracked somewhere else so I just gave up on that and finished off.

1 comment:

Főfüge said...


Jesus! You are beautiful!
