Wednesday, 12 August 2009


A speech bubble sewn into my tongue..

I'm still not sure whether I like this or not. One the one hand I really like the idea behind it as if the speech bubble's coming out of my mouth but on the other hand I'm not sure whether people will actually recognise it as a speech bubble.

Also, I'm not sure whether or not to elaborate on this idea of sewing into my tongue or not. I was thinking that I could possibly do a few others with different objects or words as a set of photographs for my portfolio or maybe sew into other parts of my body and do the same thing.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Sellotape art

Here's a sculpture made out of sellotape that I finished yesterday..

I used my sister to wrap the sellotape around each body part separately and then attached them all together at the end. When sellotaping each body part, I wrapped a few layers of the sellotape around her sticky side up and then the rest of them sticky side down so that neither the inside of the outside of the final thing was sticky.

Also I'm not sure if it's too clear but it's supposed to look like it's doing the sellotaping itself..

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

What more do you need to know?


Here's an image of Shakespeare (though I personally think it looks more like Van Gogh) created using letraset that I made yesterday. I kinda liked the idea of using letraset letters bunched up to created the dark and lighter areas of an image and I chose an image of Shakespeare for obvious reasons. I kinda wish that every letter would have come out perfectly because as you can see quite a few of them have bits missing from them but I realised that it was impossible for every letter to come out perfect because every time you go over 1 letter with another it sticks to the back of the sheet. I suppose this gives it a rustic effect maybe. Overall I'm pretty pleased with it seeing as though it only took a few hours to finish and I would have loved to have made the final image bigger to include the collar he was wearing in the original picture but letraset's pretty expensive so that's probably not the best idea. Luckily I didn't have to go and out and pay £1.70 a sheet (and times that by ten if you're getting it from turners!) for my letraset because my dad used to be a signwriter so he has a wallet full of the stuff from the 70's. That's some vintage letraset right there!

(btw if you click on the first image you'll be able to see the letters a lot better)

Monday, 1 June 2009

Fish Face

btw this wasn't meant to be a masterpiece or anything I was just bored in front of a mirror..

Friday, 17 April 2009

Blue Dress

Here's an image made from ink that I created this morning. I'm pretty pleased with how the dress turned out and how I blended the light blue at the top to the dark blue splats at the bottom but I do think I ruined it a bit with the her arms and hair. I think it's made it look a bit too cartoony rather than abstract which is what I was going for it.

Snail Makeover

I decided to give this snail a makeover yesterday..

..and if anyone from peta stumbles accross this then don't worry, I used watercolour paints and washed it off afterwards.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Crisps that look like things

Here are a couple of crisps that I've found that look like things. And btw I don't just go through packets of crisps looking for ones that look like things, I just always look at my crisps before I eat them..

A rabbit?

An egg with a face?

A penguin?


An apple/plum?

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Spongebob Crumpits

My mum bought these from Morrisons today. I can't believe these have only just been thought of!

Friday, 10 April 2009

Body Paintings

Last year at college I had a project called Body/Self where I had to create something using that theme. After vising that Body Worlds exhibition by that crazy German guy who plastinates bodies and puts them into weird positions I decided to try and recreate the same kind of effect but on top of the skin rather than under it.

I started off by using my friends hand to test on so that I could get the grasp of how to blend the colours together (watercolours)..

Then I began to work on my own hand, this time trying to fully cover it and make it look as realistic as possible which I've got to admit didn't turn out quite as good as I wanted it to..

I finally decided to experiment on my sisters arm so see if I could paint the muscles on so that when she flexed her own muscles it would define the paint more and I actually think it turned out quite good considering I only had a short amount of time to do it because she had to go somewhere. Also, you may notice that when you click on the second photo to make it bigger you can see little white bits near the top of the painting. This is where it had started to crack as it dried out. I kept trying to paint over the white bits but by the time I could more of the paint had cracked somewhere else so I just gave up on that and finished off.

Old Art

Here's some of my older art from my portfolio..

Monday, 6 April 2009


Here's a drawing I did a couple of weeks ago. It's an image of me made up of the name's of everybody I've ever met (and like, and could fit onto it..)

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Agyness Deyn

Here's a drawing of Agyness Deyn that I finally finished yesterday (which I really need to take a clearer picture of)..

I started off by printing the original image out onto 12 pieces of A4 paper..

For each piece of A4 I cut off a strip of pixels and copied each pixel out using a 4B pencil depending what shade the pixel was. I then continued to cut out the rest of the strips of pixels until each A4 piece of paper was copied out. Here are two pictures showing the way I blue-tacked the paper down to cut the strips away and copy out..

..and here are a couple of pictures of the pixels close up..

I'm actually quite pleasure with how it turned out in the end, though I do think the hair and lips ended up a bit rubbish. I'm also a bit annoyed about her jacket because I was gonna shade it grey but it was really difficult to do so because it kept ending up so patchy so I just left it white which makes it look like I've still not finished..
The next time I try this technique I'll probably use felt-tips and create a coloured image instead. I'll also probably take my own picture or use somebody else's with permission next time because I just found the one I used this time on the internet somewhere and it doesn't say who took it so I can't really credit or contact whoever took it. Seems like this one will just have to stay in my portfolio..

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Young Photographer Awards

Last December I went to the awards ceremony for the RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2008 at the Tower of London after being one of the 33 shortlisted entries. I ended up coming as a runner-up in the 12-18 category and won an Olympus camera, a framed copy of my photo and some other stuff. Here's a picture of me (2nd from the left on the back row) and the other finalists on stage..

..and here's the photo that I entered..

..and here are two videos that I just found that I'm lingering about in..

Friday, 2 January 2009


Hey to anyone who's actually reading this. My name's Jake, I'm 18 and from Manchester. I'm really interested in art so I've decided to use this blog which I seem to have abandoned for years to post pictures of the work I've made, pictures of other artists that I like and probably just anything else that I find interesting. I also like to do a bit of photography but I have a flickr page for that which should be on the side somewhere..